
Paula Veidenbauma (@paulaveidenbauma) (b. 1997, Latvia) is working on the meeting points between art, architecture, urbanism, and theatre. These encounters often encompass situated artistic practice, curatorial work, research, and writing. She often explores observed paradoxes as alliances with material properties through sculptural dramaturgies. The ongoing theory-grounded practice gravitates toward themes surrounding the politics of real estate, institutional practices, feminist phenomenology, and performing arts as a critical practice. Based in Vienna, Austria.

Diāna Mikāne (@m1aana) (b. 1996, Latvia) works at the intersections of curatorial and art practices, currently operating between Riga, and other satellite locations. Through curatorial projects that are both theoretically grounded and engaged with contemporary artistic practice, Diāna engages in a dialogue about the politics of space, memory-making and identity construction, often grounded in narratives and identity struggles rooted in a post-socialist space, merged with speculative future imaginaries.

Together, they form an artist duo, gel office, (@gel.office) that works at the intersection of art, performance, and architecture, practising art-making, curating, facilitation, and research.

Production artist: Katariin Mudist (@katariin.mudist) (b. 1994, Estonia) is an artist, whose practice delves into the multifaceted nature of humanity within social contexts.

She explores the intersection of visual and material-based art, her work often incorporates humour and irony to critique societal norms, focusing on themes of performativity, value, and materiality.

‘Wish Upon a Shooting Star derives from city megaproject showrooms. Coming from Riga, another periphery of the European Union, and sharing the same time zone with Athens, gel fabricates an upcoming gentrified poodle invasion in the middle of mixed-use urban development potentialities.’

Opening hours:

27.11 — 27.12

Sat+Sun 3-6pm

+ by appointment

Clare Aimée, artist and massage therapist, presents an ongoing project in which she offers massage for exchange. For three days, she will turn Living Room into a massage studio where you are invited to make an appointment. Instead of monetary transactions, other forms of trade are encouraged.

A consideration contingent upon the other, together we decide on what feels fair for the both of us. The agreed upon reciprocities will be on display at the opening, Saturday 18th of May at 8pm.

Clare Aimée (b. 1992 on lək̓ʷəŋən territory, Vancouver Island) is a Canadian artist that has been working in Iceland for the last 8 years. She graduated with a BA degreee in Fine Arts from the Icelandic University of the Arts in 2020 and went on academic exchange at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2019, Czech Republic.

The project was partially funded by @samband_isl_mynd_sim

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